
Showing posts from April, 2021

Challenges of Social Science Research: Featuring The American Psychological Association Brief

        Families are so complex. There are families all around the world that are so different. There are families held together by parents who are young and old. There are parents who have big age gaps and small age gaps. Parents who have 10 children and parents who have 1 child. Parents of the same sex and opposite sex. Today we are even seeing throuples parents (It's interesting that google is saying throuple isn't a word). In science, we have the scientific method that allows us to study what works and what doesn't work. So how can we study and make a theory about strong, loving families? How do we know what families are the most successful in staying together versus families that are unsuccessful in being a family "unit"?     Well, researchers go based off of limited experiments (because some experiments are unethical). They collect data and create  surveys, but even then, these are surveys based off of imperfect, sinful humans. Some peo...